I Gusti Bagus Swiastrawan, Ida Made Windya, Komang Heriyanti


Hinduism is a universal religion. In Hinduism, it is known that there are many ways to worship or get closer to God. In living life in this world, many people, especially Hindus, find many problems in life such as failure at work, frustration in relationships, quarrels in the family, being deceived, shackled by nightlife, drunkards, gamblers, lazy, shackled by supernatural powers, psychological pain. , stress and many people have been looking for a solution but there is no clear where to get guidance. The existence of a guided Dhyana Mudra meditation teaching in the Bakungan Temple will be able to help all problems in this life to be resolved and to live life in this world to obtain happiness, calm and ultimately be able to obtain freedom or moksa. People who come to Candi Bakungan Temple not only aim to obtain physical and mental healing, but also to improve the spiritual quality of the people who sincerely become students themselves. Further guidance for increasing spirituality is known as the Dhyana Mudra meditation stages. The theories used in this research are religious theory, functionalism theory, and symbolic interactionism theory and the informants in this research are the guiding teachers or students who carry out the Dhyana Mudra meditation related to this research. The methods used in this research are observation, interviews, document study using qualitative research. It can be explained that this Dhyana Mudra Meditation can be seen from the process of carrying out the meditation by the students of Bakungan Temple.

Keywords: Meditation, Dhyana Mudra, Temple

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