Bali is one of the islands in Indonesia and most of the people follow the Hindu religion. The island of Bali itself has many types of culture and traditions that apply in every village which have been believed to be passed down from generation to generation, one of which is the sanghyang gandrung tradition in the Sidetapa Traditional Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. To this day, people believe that carrying out this tradition can ward off disease outbreaks that attack villages and is a form of gratitude to God for giving them abundant harvests. Based on the background above, the researcher formulated three problem formulations that were found, namely 1) the history of the sanghyang gandrung tradition in the Sidetapa Traditional Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. 2) the sanghyang gandrung traditional ritual system in the Sidetapa Traditional Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. 3) the value of Hindu theology in the implementation of the sanghyang gandrung tradition in the Sidetapa Traditional Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. Researchers use two theories to dissect the formulation of the problem, namely religious theory and symbolic interactionism theory. Type of descriptive qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The informant technique used was purposive sampling and data collection methods used observation, interviews and literature study. The data that has been collected is analyzed using the data analysis method used, namely descriptive qualitative with steps for data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Based on the results of data analysis, the research results obtained are 1) with the existence of the Sanghyang Gandrung tradition, the public can find out how the tradition was formed and the purpose of this Sanghyang Gandrung tradition. 2) be able to know the series and infrastructure used in the Sanghyang Gandrung tradition. 3) the value of Hindu Theology in implementing the sanghyang gandrung tradition. The public can find out what values are contained in the sanghyang gandrung tradition, namely the value of Hindu Theology, the value of social Theology and the value of harmony Theology.
Keywords: Tradition, Sanghyang, Gandrung
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