Developments in the modern era have caused attention to people's lives to be more focused on material achievement and social status. Society in the modern era is also more individualistic and competitive, it can be seen that people now tend to pursue personal satisfaction and self-well-being. This worldly satisfaction and individualism can shift more important moral and social values such as the teachings of Purusa Artha chess. Catur Purusa Artha is a concept in the teachings of Hinduism which refers to the four main goals in human life. Purusa Artha chess consists of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa, of which of the four parts of Purusa Artha chess the most dominantly sought after by society today are Artha and Kama. Artha itself refers to the attainment of wealth while Kama is pleasure and happiness. It's easy for people to find out information about other people's lives only through smartphones or other media. Society's dissatisfaction with other people's achievements is the main reason for the emergence of jealousy and causes uncontrolled Artha and Kama. It is hoped that this research will serve as a guideline for a wiser society in planning a more peaceful life in accordance with the teachings of chess Purusa Artha.
Keyword: Catur Purusa Artha, Hinduism, Individualism, Kama, Morals.
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