Putu Ria Darmayanti Ria Darmayanti, Ida Made Windya, Yunitha Asri Diantary Ni Made


The implementation of the rampage tradition that was carried out in Padang Bulia Village is a tradition that has been passed down by the ancestors to the Padang Bulia traditional village community. This rampage tradition has been going on for years and is always held every year, which coincides with the day before Nyepi. The Meamuk-Amukan tradition is often also called a fire war by using facilities such as danyuh which later when it is over is used when mecaru or mebuu-buu in each resident's house. Those who carried out the rampage or fire war were all residents of Padang Bulia Village, especially the young men. The place was also chosen on the main road, the right time was Sandykala after carrying out the pilgrimage at each other's homes without using offerings, it's just part of the Nyepi ceremony. Based on the background above, in this study there are three issues that will be discussed, namely: (1) What is meant by the tradition of rampage. (2) How is the process of carrying out the tradition of rampage. (3) What theological values contained in the tradition of rampage. The author uses several theories to dissect the three problem formulations, namely: (1) Religious Theory, (2) Functional Theory, and (3) Value Theory. The type of data used in this study is data sourced from the field and books, articles, theses and other sources using the methods of observation, interviews, documentation and literature. The results of research on the Meamuk-Amukan tradition is a form of tradition that is believed by the people of Padang Bulia Village to expel evil spirits so that during the implementation of the pencak brata penyepian, it can be carried out in a calm and peaceful manner. The theological values contained in the tradition of rampaging in Padang Bulia Village are Harmony Theology, Social Theology, and Cultural Theology.

Keywords: Tradition of Rampage, Hindu Theology.

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