Nyoman Budiani, Ida Made Windya, I Wayan Kariarta


Nyakan diwang is a tradition originating from the people of North Bali, to be precise in the Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. Nyakan diwang is a cooking activity outside the home which is carried out after carrying out asceticism or the day after Nyepi or known as Ngembak Gni to be exact in the early hours of the morning at around 03.00 WITA, people start leaving their homes to carry out this tradition. Nyakan diwang tradition is still being carried out by the local community because the implementation process is believed to have the aim of maintaining harmonious relations between people in the area who still carry on this tradition and contain other meanings, especially Hindu theology related to whom this tradition is shown, namely Sang Hyang Agni or the God of Fire which is symbolized by firewood or saang as human selfishness which is scorched by the flames in the process of cooking or baking. So it is hoped that by carrying out this tradition a good and harmonious relationship will be established between the local village community.

Keywords: Hindu Theology, Nyakan Diwang Tradition

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