Today there are so many challenges in living this life. Divisions continue to occur that result in a person losing empathy for fellow humans. There are many things that can be done to improve it all such as, doing sincere activities together with full awareness. Hinduism in Bali is known as a people who can never be separated from a religious rite that is carried out every time. Through various kinds of rites that exist, the Hindu community in Bali needs help from every group of people who will always help in the preparation of religious activities carried out. There is one thing that becomes local wisdom every time there is a religious rite that is carried out, namely by inviting the community to participate in Ngayah. Through Ngayah, Hindus in Bali can help each other in preparing various necessary religious preparations such as, upakara facilities (banten), temple cleanliness and others. Everything will feel fast and easy because it is done together. Ngayah is based on a sincere sense of sincerity that will not burden each other, then from these activities there will be a relationship that will unknowingly begin to be established, namely, fraternal relations. This relationship will continue to exist when the community does the work consciously and without expecting the results of the work that has been done. Ngayah must be preserved so that people are able to understand the importance of a sense of fate and a sense of belonging to each other. like the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam which means the world is one family will always decorate this world with peace.
Keywords: Ngayah, fraternal relations
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