Rayendra Sathya Premananda, Komang Heriyanti


Tat twam asi as a philosophical foundation in establishing harmonious relationships between people is very important to be realized in a tangible form. One form of implementing the teachings of tat twam asi is social service. In an organization and company, social service is often carried out as an effort to increase concern for others as well as establish relationships between the organization and the community. Vedic sacred literature contains values that underlie mutual respect and mutual assistance among people. These values need to be implemented in everyday life in every aspect of life. As a moral foundation that teaches harmonization, tat twam asi emphasizes aspects of equality and togetherness in achieving common goals. Forms of implementing the teachings of tat twam asi in social service include 1) Having high concern for others 2) Doing sincere service to others without expecting anything in return 3) Prioritizing the interests of others over one's own interests 4) Forms of glorification of God that is in every person creature.

Keyword: Tat Twam Asi, Social Servis

Teks Lengkap:



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