The era of globalization can affect lives that prioritize technological developments. The era of globalization offers a way of life that separates material life from religious teachings. Such situations can lead to problems when artificial sophistication is used to satisfy desires simply because they are not based on decency or morality. The presence of this advanced technology can be a trigger for conflict and division in people's lives. There is conflict in social life because differences of opinion increase, when people don't have a broad mind then conflicts always arise. Hinduism has some good teachings that come from the Vedic scriptures. The teachings of Hinduism if applied properly can save humanity from various conflicts. Based on this, the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam as one of the local Hindu wisdom values has a strategic space as a unifier of religious unity. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam in Hinduism teaches religious people to respect each other and understand that everything in this universe is brother and sister. If the concept can be applied properly, it can minimize differences of opinion between religious communities. In fact, people who have faith must respect the beliefs of others. Because the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam means five things: Truth, Wisdom, Love, Peace and Ahimsa. Applying the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam concept, religious people can respect each other or adopt an attitude of religious tolerance to unite people. The application of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam concept to Gambur Anglayang Temple is a form of religious tolerance that can unite religious communities. Gambur Anglayang Temple introduces religious tolerance which can be seen in the different features of the Pelinggih in the temple.
Keywords: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Unifying Religion
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