Putu Ayu Nessa Anggreni, I Wayan Sunampan Putra


Realizing harmony in a society is everyone's desire. For those who always try to spread social conflicts in order to destroy unity between communities, of course they are seen as people who do not understand the teachings and ethics of life. In Indonesia, these social conflicts are more prone to occur because of the diversity of ethnicity, race, religion, and culture. Therefore it is deemed necessary for every society to respect these differences, especially regarding religious pluralism. Religion is an important part of the life of the Indonesian people, because the values of truth and goodness are taught in detail by each religion. To avoid conflicts between religions, a strong understanding of religious teachings related to harmony is needed. In Hinduism, one of the concepts towards harmony between communities is taught, namely Catur Paramitha which contains noble and noble actions towards fellow human beings. This teaching views that every human being is the same, brothers and sisters, originating from one source, namely God.

Keywords: harmony, religious pluralism, Catur Paramitha

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