Ketut Ayu Sucianing, Ni Putu Dasniari, Putu Maria Ratih Anggraini


Communication addressed to the masses, to an enormous audience is also known as Mass Communication. Mass communication is communication that is channeled through audio or visual transmitters which may be easier and more logical if defined according to its form (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, films, books). Radio is one of the electronic press in Indonesia. Radio as a complex source of information, starting from traditional functions, conveying news and information, radio can also be called a mass media, because it fulfills the characteristics of mass communication. Radio as a means of communication and information for the community, information about news about education, religious teachings and even radio as a medium of entertainment. Radio is also used as a Dharma preacher, which provides information to the wider community about the teachings of Dharma. Dharma is a teaching that can lead us to the right path. Dharma teachings about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam have also been reported through radio broadcasts, which discuss the teachings of compassion according to Hinduism, that we in this world are brothers, who do not distinguish between one another, do not distinguish between race, ethnicity, religion, culture and others. , because basically the concept of vasudhaiva kumbakam teaches to respect each other, to live in harmony and harmony with all people, because we live in this world that need each other, so good loving relationships and a sense of belonging between fellow beings must also be built properly.

 Keywords: Radio, Dharma, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Teks Lengkap:




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