Ni Luh Ayu Anugerah wati, Nyoman Suardika, I Made Gami Sandi Untara


Hinduism cannot be separated from the life of art. In the view of Hinduism in Bali, art has a very basic context and cannot be separated from the religious ceremonies of the Hindu community. This is clearly seen when Hindus hold religious rituals there will be art displayed, one of which is the art of dance. Ijang Kidung Keli dance as one of the arts performed in a series of saba Kuningan ceremonies in Tigawasa has a function, meaning in its performance. But the public has not been able to know that the performance just goes on without picking up the mandate contained in it. Based on this background, the issues to be discussed in this study include: (1) What is the form of the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance performance in the Saba Kuningan Ceremony Series, (2) What are the functions contained in the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance performance in the Kuningan Saba Ceremony Series? , (3) What are the implications of performing the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance in the Saba Kuningan Ceremony Series. The theories used in analyzing the formulation of the problem are religious theory, structural-functional theory and symbol theory. The results showed that the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance is a sacred dance that cannot be separated from the Saba Kuningan ceremony in Bali Aga Tigawasa Village. The structure/form in this dance performance includes the history, facilities, time and place as well as the actors involved in the Ijang Kidung Keli dance performance. The function of performing the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance at the Tigawasa Traditional Village Temple is a social function, a religious function, an aesthetic function and a sacred function. The implications of the performance of the Ijang Kidung Keli Dance are the implications of Sradha and Bhakti, the implications of an attitude of solidarity and the closing of the brass saba.

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