Kadek Andre Roynata, Ida Bagus Wika Krishna, Putu Maria Ratih Anggraini


Geguritan Aji Palayon is a form of literary work that developed in Bali, its contents as a whole tell about the atma's journey to heaven. the methods used in data collection include the method of literature study and interview techniques with the purposive sample method. The data that has been obtained is analyzed using reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

The results showed that the geguritan Aji Palayon has a structure consisting of eleven incidents, a tight plot, the setting includes the setting of place, time, atmosphere, theme, characters, and message. Overall, the story of Geguritan Aji Palayon is centered on a character named Sang Atma. It is said that after previously experiencing the process of death and finally taking the form of an atma, the atma begins a long journey to get to a place called heaven, on that journey the atma goes through various places and meets various people. The function of Hindu eschatology teachings in Geguritan Aji Palayon includes, among other things, the function of elaborating tattwa teachings, including tattwa about atma and saguna brahman theology. The second function is to explain moral teachings, including mutual forgiveness and ancestor worship. The third function is to describe the teachings of the ceremony, including the ceremonies used in the Pitra Yadnya ceremony and the role of the priest or sulinggih in the ceremony. While Hindu eschatological teachings in geguritan aji palayon include: the meaning of the teachings of chess relatives in geguritan aji palayon, the meaning of pancaka tirtha teachings in Geguritan Aji Palayon, the meaning of the teachings of heaven in Geguritan Aji Palayon, and the meaning of teachings of hell in Geguritan Aji Palayon.

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