Widya Gunawan, Ida Made Windya, Yunitha Asri Diantary Ni Made


Pura Giri Salaka Alas Purwo, the existence of Pura Giri Salaka Alas Purwo is very important for the Hindu community in Tegaldlimo District. However, many people in the surrounding area do not know the details about the reason why this temple was founded, there are also many people who do not understand the concept of Hindu theology in Pura Giri Salaka Alas Purwo even though it is very influential on increasing the devotion of Hindus in maintaining and caring for the Hindu community. For this reason, it is important that this research is carried out to find the structure, function, and concept of Hindu theology of Pura Giri Salaka Alas Purwo. The theory used in this research is the theory of religion and the theory of symbols. The results showed that Pura Giri Salaka Alas Purwo has a simple structure consisting of three mandalas, namely: the main mandala, the madya mandala, the nista mandala and the main pelinggih is padmasana. The function of the establishment of this temple in general is as a place of glorification and other functions, namely social functions, religious functions, aesthetic functions and balance functions. While the concept of Hindu theology in this temple is the Saguna Brahman which is found in the pelinggih panglurah, apit lawang and other pelinggih and the nirguna Brahman which is found in the main shrine, namely Padmasana which is the place where Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa resides.

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