Gong Due is used in the Piodalan ceremony in Sari Mekar Village, which is closely related to the views or beliefs of the people who believe that this Gong Due has its own magical value, of course this Gong Due is different from Gong in general. This Gong Due is only available at the Sari Mekar Village Temple and the type of implementation of the ceremony is different because this Gong Due has a special shrine where the palace of Ista Dewata (Dewa Ayu Manik Pragina) manifests as a god of art as a magical power with the arts of dance, percussion, and art. humiliation. The meaning of the symbol is to appeal to the manifestation of Sang Hyang Parama Kawi who controls the field of art, so that the artistic talent of the people of Sari Mekar Village develops and is sustainable. Gong Due in the Implementation of the Piodalan Ceremony at the Sari Mekar Village Temple, Buleleng District, Buleleng Regency. This research is a qualitative research, the approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach in the form of speech and writing. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The collection method used by the researcher is observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. The results showed that Gong Due in the implementation of the piodalan ceremony at the Sari Mekar Village Temple was based on the belief in the power of the taksu gong so that the Sari Mekar Village community sanctified it to support religious ceremonies with various ceremonial processions / ceremonies used. As well as containing the meaning of Hindu theological symbols contained in Gong Due in the implementation of the piodalan ceremony.
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