Luh Wantari, Ida Bagus Wika Krishna, I Made Hartaka


One of the sacred places of Hindus, especially the one in the area of Kubutambahan Village, Kubutambahan District, Buleleng Regency, is the Ratu Bagus Sundawan Temple, which has its own uniqueness that dates back to the 13th century. What really attracts attention in the process of worship at the Ratu Bagus Sundawan Temple is the people who perform the worship. Most people do not know the history and theological meaning of Ratu Bagus Sundawan's theology. The theory used in this research is Religious Theory and Structural Theory. Then the methods used in data collection include observation methods, interviews with purposive sampling techniques and documentation. The data that has been collected is analyzed using reduction steps, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show (1) Ratu Bagus Sundawan's Temple was founded in 1260 or around the 13th century. The shape of the Ratu Bagus Sundawan Temple has a building structure which is divided into three parts, namely (a) the foot section which is the base of the temple containing carvings with geometric patterns and there are two statues located in front of the temple (b) the body is made of Majegau wood, then in this section there is a painting similar to the figure of the Virgin Mary which characterizes that this temple has a Christian nuance (c) The head section is made of zinc. (2) palinggih Ratu Bagus Sundawan has four functions in society namely (a) Religious Function (b) Cultural Acculturation Function (c) Function as Giver of Protection (d) Solidarity Function (3) The Theological Meaning of the cult of the Ratu Bagus Sundawan Theology, which consists of (a) Social Theological Meaning (b) Environmental Theological Meaning (c) The Meaning of Harmony Theology.

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