Hinduism is one of the religions that many know that Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. In the spread of Hinduism, its sacred teachings are also known to be considered the highest truth. The source of sacred knowledge in question is the Vedic Scriptures which contain suggestions about the teachings of the truth that must be carried out by Hindus. With this source there is also the belief of Hindus to establish a holy place called a temple. The meaning of the temple in this case is a place of worship or prayer in order to realize the attitude of sraddha and devotion of Hindus to God. This study examines one of the temples in Bali. Researchers study about Shivaism. This Shiva Kertha Payogan Agung Temple is unique based on the ritual facilities, as well as the structure contained in the temple, in this case the Siwa Kertha Payogan Agung temple has a special purpose to ask Tirta Pangentas, has a temple structure that has a symbol of Shiva's teachings. Based on the above background, this study will discuss the problems, namely 1) Shiva Kertha Payogan Agung Temple, 2) The function of the Shiva Kertha Payogan Agung Temple, 3) Shivaism in the Siwa Kertha Payogan Agung Temple. The theory used in this study is the Structural Functional theory and the theory of Religion and the speakers in this study are stakeholders or informants who know about the discussion of studentism in this study. The method used in this research is the method of observation, interviews, and documentation studies using qualitative research. It can be clearly explained that Shivaism in the Siwa Kertha Payogn Agung Temple can be seen from the Mostgih, Mantra and Pratima in the Siwa Kertha Payogan Agung Temple in Penarukan Village, Buleleng District, Buleleng Regency. And can be used as a reference by local residents.
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