Hindus in carrying out their religious teachings perform many religious ceremonies. Religious ceremonies in Hinduism focus on religious rituals that are implemented through the teachings of Panca Yadnya, which means five kinds of sacrificial ceremonies. The part of the Panca Yadnya that is the focus of this research is the Pitra Yadnya. The Pitra Yadnya ceremony is a ceremony dedicated to the ancestors carried out by the family or descendants of the deceased as a form of devotion to their ancestors. The Pitra Yadnya ceremony which was held at the Luhur Moksa Jati Dalem Temple, Puri Blambangan, Kumendung Village, Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency is called the Entas-entas ceremony. This research is a qualitative research that is thinking inductively. The approach used by the researcher is a sociological religious approach which means a science that explains the problems of a religion. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods used in this research are observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. To analyze the data in this study, the researchers used data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion methods. The results of the study indicate that the entas-entas ceremony is a ceremony that should be preserved and carried out by Javanese Hindus. There are Hindu theological values contained in the entas-entas ceremony, which makes it an interesting study to discuss. The procession (implementation) of the entas-entas ceremony is not as complicated as the Ngaben ceremony in Bali, and there is the use of various religious symbols in the entas-entas ceremony
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