Deni Hariyanto, Widya Gunawan


Religion is belief in God Almighty. Therefore, in increasing religious belief, religious militancy is very necessary. Militancy is persistence in fighting for something that is believed to be very true, such as belief in religion related to divinity. Thus belief in religion does not decrease or slacken. Hinduism is a religion that has its own uniqueness, which lies in its ceremonial traditions or rituals. The basic framework of Hinduism consists of tattwa, ethics and ceremonies. Tattwa is the basis of knowledge about religious teachings. Morals are the basis of ethics and morality. While the ceremony is a procedure in carrying out religious ceremonies. In tattwa it is taught about sradha which is understood as a belief or belief in Hinduism. Every Hindu must hold fast to sradha or belief because that is the basis of belief. Every ummah must have faith in the truth of the contents of the holy book, no doubt, understand, appreciate and practice it in life. Sradha or belief in Hinduism consists of five parts called panca sradha. The parts of Panca Sradha are believe of Brahman, Atman, Karma phala, Samsara and Moksa. By understanding and teaching the teachings of Panca Sradha in daily life, of course, it can make the Hindu generation become militant against their religion. So that the sradha or beliefs held by the Hindu generation are not easily shaken by the problems that exist in life and the development of the times.

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