Kadek Budi Asih, Sri Sayekti Pamungkas


Every religion believes in the existence of God. God is the One who is worshiped by all people, including Hindus. In Hinduism, the teaching of divinity is called Brahmawidya. The discussion about Brahmawidya includes matters that reveal the nature of God in Hindu teachings or the concept of divinity in the Vedas, because the Vedas are the holy books of Hinduism. Brahmawidya is the same as the term Theology which also discusses about God. God is something infinite and absolute. Where God is the origin of all that exists. Which shows that the universe and its contents are God's creation, both visible and invisible. Thus so that it can be said that God is the cause of all this. In the teachings of Hinduism, the understanding of God is basically the One and Only One. Where the Supreme Being is known by many names of gods, therefore in the Vedas God is mentioned Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman or Immanent and Transcendent.

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