Kadek Ari Cahyadi


Tatva is a term from philosophy which is a system that examines the truth and discusses the philosophical values contained in the truth of Hindu teachings from the truth of Tatva itself. of the many parts of the Tattwa of which Lontar Ganapati is part of one of the tatvas itself. Ganapatitatwa is a Tatva papyrus with a Shivaistic pattern which was composed by the method of dialogue between Sang Ganapati (Shiva's son) and Hyang Iswara or Shiva himself the father of Ganapati, where in this lontar Lord Shiva gives a discourse on the teachings of Jnana Rahasyam about the mysteries of nature. the universe to the Ganapati. This Lontar is written with 37 fronds consisting of 60 Sanskrit anustubh stanzas and the Ganapatitatva text was adopted in the archipelago into the lontar text which is reviewed in Kawi / Old Javanese language. As for a brief review regarding the formation of the universe and its contents, the sources and elements that make up everything that exist are described and also described as Om Kara is the sunnya sabha or called the Brahman tone, the Brahman tone is the origin of the existence of the Pancadaiwatma being born. Pancadaiwatma is the source of the Panca tan matra created, Then from Pancatanmatra gave birth to Pancamahabhuta, now from these three elements the universe and its contents were created and Sang Hyang Siwatman is the source of life that moves all of his creations. In addition, there is also a concept of his teachings called Sadanga Yoga as the concept of a spiritual path to achieve liberation and the existence of Padmahrdaya as the stana of Hyang Iswara or Shiva himself who is worshiped with caturdasaksara.

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