Ida Bagus Arsana, I Gusti Bagus Swiastrawan


In the Puranas, in order to strengthen the devotion of mankind to God Almighty, the main manifestation of each Brahman is called by thousands of names (Brahma Sahasranama), Visnu by thousands of names (Visnu Sahasranama), Siva by thousands of names (Siva Sahasranama). Durga or Lalita with thousands of names (Lalita Sahasranama) and others. The names or their abiseka are actually attributes, attitudes, gifts or love that are expected or coveted by mankind. Giving names in accordance with their sublime nature strengthens the faith (sradha) of the people in him. One of the gods who is highly hung up and coveted, is always believed to provide protection by choosing one of the gods who stabilizes one's sradha called Istaddevata. Istaddevata is the idol worshiped by someone according to his profession. A scientist will feel very close and always get closer to Devi Sarasvati, the form of God Almighty as the Devi of knowledge. Likewise with a Pandita (such as Pandita Shiva in Bali is very close to Sang Hyang Siva, as well as a fisherman always asking for protection with Deva Varuna as the ruler of the ocean, one is free to determine the Devata of his choice, because according to the level of understanding of the person concerned.

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