Ni Putu Dasniari, I Wayan Sunampan Putra


Hell is described as a place that is dirty, disgusting, hot, there are many bodies of people who are tormented. In this place, people will be tortured for the actions they did during their lifetime. Hell is a realm where Atman is punished, this realm is outside this world that is among the planets in outer space. If a human being in his life in this world has bad karma, then later when he dies his atma will be picked up by the cikrabala, the jogormanik and the suratma, to bie presented to the yama god and be judged and accept the decision where his atma will be punished. In Garuda Purana there are several names of hell, namely: Rourava, Maha-rourava, Atisita, Nirkrintana, Apratistha, Asipatravana, and Taptakumba. In addition, if someone has done a period of punishment in hell, he will be reborn or reincarnated according to his actions.

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