Widya Gunawan, Ni Wayan Juli Artiningsih


Purwa Bumi Kamulan belongs to the tattwa eject group. This Lontar contains teachings about the creation of the world which are described mythologically. All of his teachings are shivaistic. The number of Sanskrit slokas is 126 pieces, each of which is translated into Old Javanese. In this purwa Bumi Kamulan text, it tells the concept of the creation of the universe, in which the creation process begins with the existence of two great powers, namely Bhatara Bhatari. From the power of Bhatari's Yoga, the creation of the gods, the five rsi, the sapta rsi to the creation of the world. The text of Purwa Bumi Kamulan is one of the Tattwa papyri with Shivaistic ideology, this is one of the studies of Shiva Sidhanta's teachings. In the text of the ancient earth, Kamulan contains teachings on the theology of the creation of the universe with an emphasis on developing compassion for all creatures and the universe which is all of them. In the text of Purwa Bumi Kamulan it contains the teachings of Saguna Brahaman and there are also teachings of the Five Corsica.

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