Kidung Sekar Gadung : Kajian Teologi Hindu

Kadek Andre Roy Nata, Komang Bella Anggreni


Kidung Sekar Gadung is a song that is sung at the time of a series of divine ceremonies, precisely at Tirta's nunas.Song Sekar Gadung is a ballad sung during the course of a series of ceremonies god yadnya nunas Tirta exactly at the timeSong Sekar Gadung is a ballad sung during the course of a series of ceremonies god yadnya nunas Tirta exactly at the time. This song contains the meaning of water or what is called Tirta in Hinduism, because Hinduism believes that something that is treated specifically means that water will provide more value than ordinary water. Thus, this song is also discussed in relation to the teachings of Hindu Theology. Based on the description above, the problems that will be discussed in this journal are: 1) Sekar Gadung Structure, 2) Hindu Theology Teachings in Sekar Gadung, 3) Function of Kidung Sekar Gadung. Based on the analysis to find answers to these problems, this journal also discusses several functions of the meaning of the Sekar Gadung song, namely: 1) Religious Functions, 2) The function of describing the teachings of Hindu Theology in the Song of Sekar Gadung, and the function of teaching water conservation or hydrology

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