Konsep Teologi Hindu (Brahmawidya) Dalam Lontar Budha Kecapi Cemeng
Literary texts are a source of literature a good source of knowledge in the field of social sciences, medical sciences and various sciences about the universe or even some literary sources explaining the science of the godhead. Lontar as a source of teachings of balinese people explain various things as a reference to behave and live the life of balinese people. As one of the medical lontar, BudhaKecapiCemeng discusses the treatment that emphasizes the involvement of other forces as a means of doing treatment. Based on this is studied about the theological concept in LontarBudhaKecapiCemeng. Through qualitative approach and relevant theories as a method of problem review. The theology ofbhuana agung contained in LontarBudhaKecapiCemeng explains about the element that makes up the universe, namely pancamahabhuta involves the concept of Tri Murti and the concept of DewataNawaSangga as a counterweight to the universe, while inbhuana alit that is small nature / human nature is also formed by the element pancamahabhuta and there are gods in man. The involvement of the gods then as a synchronization between small nature and large nature to form and explore health so as to create harmony.
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Lontar Sang Hyang Budha Kecapi
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