Memahami Teologi Hindu Dalam Konteks Budaya

Komang Heriyanti, Diya Utami


Hindu theology as a teaching that is believed by Hindus is derived from the Vedas. The principles of theological teachings have never changed, which is aimed at getting closer to God. In practice, Hindu theology cannot be separated from the culture adopted by the community. With the abilities possessed by humans, humans can create culture. Culture has a very important role for humans to express their love for God. Culture in Hindu Theology is an appreciation of the existence of God. Theology in Hindu culture gave birth to religious ceremonies. In essence, religious ceremonies are not merely religious in dimension, but also have a social dimension. Society and its culture are two indistinguishable singles, in which a number of knowledge is integrated with beliefs and values, which determine the situation and conditions of behavior of community members. Culture is the whole system, ideas, actions and results of human work in the context of community life which are made human property by learning. Culture is not only in technical matters but in ideas that are contained in the mind which then manifest in art, social order, work ethic and outlook on life.

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