Rasasvada: Fungsi teo-estetis dalam astangga yoga

I Gede Agus Agus Suparta, Kadek Ari Cahyadi


Rasasvada Astangga Yoga can be seen from the relation between the esthetic value and astangga yoga. Which mean esthetic value can be embodied by the sensitivity during the yoga practice, which need to be practice continuously. Astangga yoga that apllied on the practice regulary can create physically and spiritual self-dicipline, therefore the fusion between both of it will create the esthetic value. Function of Rasasvada Astangga Yoga is conciusness transformation as a process to change the human consciousness towards to the better self-quality. Righteousness function is as enlighten human soul on the righteousness value and religion teaching. Purity function is as process to selfpurity, and the esthetic is as situation where as people can express their idea and thought on the artworks. Rasasvada astangga yoga meaning during the practicioner is tasting of rasa meaning which mean that all the feeling that happening is expression from the esthetic experience that emerging. Cosmic dynamic meaning is esthetic experience that expressed on an asana that gives the dynamic vibration to the nature. After that, buster meaning is state of beauty that express immersed on the artwork which is conducting, feeling by maintaint the balance of the soul and a solid understanding. The perceived of this unity will help people to reach the eternity, which known as Moksartham Jagadhita.

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