Relevansi Asta Brata Dalam Kepemimpinan Masa Kini

I Nyoman Surpa Adisastra, Yunitha Asri Diantary Ni Made


Some knowledge of leadership based on Hinduism written in many scriptures, one of them entitled Manawa Dharmasastra. It explained eight concepts of leadership called Asta Brata. As the passing time, Asta Brata is still exist. Although human life, government and science grow rapidly, the concept is still relevant until today. This concept is keeping taught for education or any leadership training in Archipelago (Nusantara). It's encourage any leaders to take their work and responsibility following eight points of gods nature by this concept, they are Indra, Vayu, Rudra, Yama, Surya, Agni, Varuna, Candra and Kubera. By the Hinduism theology views, the leadership concept of Asta Brata refers to divine natures. The reason is a good leader should be able to think, to speech and to act like the gods as mentioned before. If we relate it to kings ordantion in old time, they always considered as a God. For example Rama in Itihasa Ramayana, He always considered as Wisnu. The concepts of Asta Brata actually related with its value that still relevant to apply in life, although this concept is ancient from thousand years. On the other side, language and communication skill development is also important to keep this concept sustainably.

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