Ni Kadek Juliantini, I Nyoman Raka, Made Novita Dwi Lestari


 This research discussed about the influence of the quality of Instagram social media promotions toward the interest of local tourists visiting the Taman Sari Resort Hotel and Spa Pemuteran in Gerokgak District. In this research, there were three formulations: of the problem, namely: (1) How was the quality of Instagram social media promotion at the Taman Sari Hotel and Pemuteran Spa? (2) How was the interest of local tourists visiting the Taman Sari Resort Hotel and Pemuteran Spa? (3) How did the influence of the quality of Instagram social media promotions on the interest of local tourists visiting the Taman Sari Resort Hotel and Pemuteran Spa?

 The quantitative regression type approach was used in this research, and the sample of this reserach was the followers of local tourists at the Taman Sari Resort and Spa Pemuteran with incidental sampling technique. The number of samples according to the sampling formula was 90 respondents. The data collection technique used questionnaire. The simple linier regression analysis was used to test hypotheses of this research.

 The result of this research was that the influence of the quality variable of Instagram social media promotion on the interest of local tourists visiting the Taman Sari Resort Hotel and Pemuteran Spa was about 26.7%. The regression coefficient in this study showed significant results, so the two variables have a unidirectional relationship which was meant that if the “X” variable was high, the “Y” variable would also increased. So, 26.7% of the variable interest in tourist visits was the contribution of the variable quality of Instagram social media promotion, while the rest was influenced by other variables which were not included in this research.

 Key word: The quality of  Instagram social media promotions, the interest of tourists visiting.

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