Pembelajaran Agama Hindu dengan Penguatan ?raddha Bhakti Siswa dalam Menghadapi Society 5.0
National development in the field of edu-cation is an effort to educate the nation's life and improve the quality of Indonesian people who are faithful, cautious and have a noble character and master science, technology and art towards an advanced, just, prosperous and civilized society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Hinduism has sacred Vedic literature based on ?raddha and devotional service. ?raddha and bhakti are Sanskrit words, ?raddha which means faith, belief, while bhakti is prostration, devotion, sincere submission, compassion. The education system that is needed now is an education system based on spiritual values (?raddha bhakti). Science and technology to improve skills to improve the quality of life. Whereas ?raddha bhakti is to increase moral and village values. Various kinds of ?raddha bhakti values that are invincible with Hindu religious learning materials in facing society 5.0 such as sincerity, justice, honesty, patience, tawakal, vigilance, forgiveness, coopera-tion, telerosity, love for the country, and others.
Keywords:Hindu Religion Learning, ?raddha Bhakti, Society 5.0
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UU No 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen.
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