Pusat Pendidikan Hindu Era Majapahit
Education is the light of civilization. Since ancient times, Hinduism has emphasized the importance of education for society. During the time of the kingdoms in the archipelago, education centers had been built to build superior human resources. Majapahit was a large kingdom that could last several centuries. As a large kingdom, Majapahit had a good education system with an institution called mandala kadewaguruan (Education Center). Kadewaguruan is led by a mah?resi who is also called ?iddharesi, dewaguru, therefore this education center is called Kadewaguruan. Based on information from various texts, the identifying elements of a religious education center (mandala kadewaguruan) are: (1) the area is large; (2) found pottery; (3) various religious artifacts were found; (4) away from the crowd; and (5) reported in the text. Mandala Ka-dewaguruan as an educational institution in the Majapahit era divides the education stage into 2 stages called the preparation stage and the core stage. The article examines more deeply about the Hindu education center in the Majapahit era by conducting field research, analysis of studies, documents and texts related to Hindu education in the Majapahit era. In this era, education is carried out comprehensively with learning that takes place throughout the day. Students can learn various values of life in addition to learning according to the level being taught.
Keywords: Hindu Education, Majapahit, Mandala
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