Pembelajaran Agama Hindu Berbasis Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif: Inovasi Digital dalam Mengasah Kemahiran Melantunkan Sekar Agung
Towards society 5.0, the learning process of Hinduism is one of which is in the hands of the teacher by improving the quality and quality of learning applied in the learning and teaching process by developing and analyzing the applicable curriculum and integrating it in today's technology. Making applications in supporting Hindu religious learning towards society 5.0, there are several important notes so that the application is easily accessible. The source of this application is taken in several sacred libraries of Hinduism, starting from the data collection stage starting with listening to the text followed by reading techniques (developing) the Sekar Agung text which includes Kakawin, Palawakya, and Sloka with a combination of recording techniques carried out by recording the Sekar development process. Great. Six Hindu religious learning methods must be elaborated, transformed, and directed towards digitizing technology-based learning. This application has a menu structure including 1) Introduction to Dharmagita, 2) Introduction to Sekar Agung 3) Video and Audio three parts of Sekar Agung, 4) Question and answer media, 5) About us, this application is offline and online 6) This application only provides information regarding the introduction of Dharmagita, introduction to Sekar Agung, Video and Audio of the three parts of Sekar Agung, and media for question and answer, 7) This application contains video and audio of three parts of Sekar Agung. Sekar Agung or Dharmagita has benefits for the Hindu community.
Keywords: Hindu Religion Learning, Interactive Multimedia Applications, Sekar Agung
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