The viability of a PLC is contingent upon the active engagement of its members, which is fostered through interactions inside the PLC. An important component that is taken into consideration is the substance of the PLC that is discussed by the participants themselves. Therefore, this research will analyse the conversation issues that arose in two PLCs which were chosen because of the activeness of the participants. This research will utilise Critical Discourse Analysis to identify the themes that arose in the PLC between August and November 2023. According to the study, there are four prominent issues frequently mentioned in the PLCs which can be detailed as follows: (1) Cultivating positive classroom dynamics, (2) Advancing professional growth for educators, (3) Addressing internal challenges faced by learners, and (4) Exchanging insights on educational administration. This research aims to elucidate the requirements of educators in order to encourage their active involvement in PLC. Further elaboration on the implications of the research will also be provided.
Keywords : Content, Critical Discourse Analysis, PLC
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