Ni Luh Putu Yuliani Dewi


Man always wants beauty because he is a creature of art. The nature of human instincts is also that always wants change to create and modernize to be able to help facilitate every aspect of their lives, even customary, ritual and religious aspects. In the implementation of Hindu religious customs and rituals, especially in Bali, ethics are taught that regulate the dress code of the people. There are three traditional Balinese women's hairdos, namely pusung gonjer, pusung tagel and pusung podgala. Along with the times, modern pusung / buns have also emerged which give the impression of being more aesthetic, practical and simple. This bun modification trend is only loaded with aesthetic elements or even in the realm of ethics which is finally touched by this phenomenon. This qualitative descriptive research seeks to explore and search for the meaning contained in the phenomenon of bun modification trends in Balinese women. From an aesthetic point of view, the trend of bun modification is something positive because it increases artistic creativity. But from an ethical point of view, this phenonema can be observed as a form of change in the behavior of Balinese Hindus who tend to rejoice at the aesthetic level alone and often ignore ethical values which are precisely the most important and basic things. Aesthetics is not hindered but everything must also be adjusted to ethics. It turns out that the bun modification trend also has a positive impact from an ethical point of view which helps her hair styling and has indirectly practiced Hindu ritual ethics.
Keywords : Sanggul, Perempuan Bali, Estetika Hindu, Etika Hindu

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