Ida Bagus Subrahmahmaniam Saitya, Ni Made Lista Ari Setiani


In the realm of Siwa, Sadasiwa, and Paramasiwa, God is essentially one (Tunggal sira katon). From this unity, it indicates that God possesses the quality of Pinet (unattainable) and vice versa, which is Ketemu (attainable) not Pinet (Pinet tan katemu, katemu sira tan pinet). "Pinet" means cannot be reached, while "Tan Katemu" can be understood as cannot be held or captured. In other words, He can be perceived but cannot be fully reached. This demonstrates that the existence of the singular God has the function of moving and governing the existence of both the microcosm and macrocosm. However, when this singular God is within creatures, the unity of God itself is seemingly divided into three parts. To facilitate understanding of this concept, the text Pamatēlu Bhaṭāra provides a profound analogy to comprehend the unity of God, which is then classified into three perspectives.
Keyword: Divinity, Text, Pamatēlu Bhaṭāra

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.55115/jnana.v5i1.4074


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