Luh Putu Cita Ardiyani


Sacred art as a form of art is a complement to the implementation of religious ceremonies, one of which is dance, where dance is an art that in the process of its realization uses graceful body movements created according to the needs of the religious ritual activity being carried out. The rejang dance in Pedawa Village is included in one of the Balinese dance classifications, namely the guardian dance, because the rejang dance is used to accompany the yadnya ceremony. The Rejang Dance is a dance that is sacred to the people of Pedawa Village because it is believed that the Rejang Dance is a form of offering and welcoming the Bhatara-Bhatari who descend during the Saba Malunin ceremony in Pedawa Village. The focus of the discussion in this article is to describe the sacredization of the Rejang Dance on Saba Malunin in Pedawa Village. This research is important to carry out in order to explain and examine in more depth the sacralization of the Rejang Dance on the Saba Malunin of Pedawa Village as a local wisdom of the people of Pedawa Village which is one of the characteristics of the village. The location of this research is in Pedawa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. This research is a qualitative research that uses the Theory of Religion approach with the type of data in the form of qualitative data. The informant determination technique uses purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the selection system for Rejang Dance dancers in Pedawa Village is inseparable from the village daa system. This sacralization process can be seen when the daa selection is carried out through a pepunggan procession.
Keywords: Sacred Art, Sacralization, Rejang Dance

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