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human life. This article explores the significant role played by religion in the preservation and development of traditional culture.The author used a quantitative method,namely observational techniques. Religion acts as the primary pillar in shaping, preserving, and enriching traditional culture by providing moral guidance, ethical values, and inspiration for arts and cultural expressions. Religion not only serves as a guide for moral and ethical principles but also as a source of inspiration for arts, music, and cultural rituals. Additionally, religion serves as a social adhesive that helps maintain cultural identity and fosters bonds among community members. A case study from Bali, renowned for its rich Hindu culture, offers a concrete illustration of how religion and culture can interact harmoniously. Religion not only plays a role as a guide for moral and ethical principles but also as a source of inspiration for arts, music, and cultural rituals. While religion can serve as a preserver of traditional culture, it is also essential to acknowledge the challenges it faces in the era of globalization and modernization. This article highlights the need for dialogue and adaptation to ensure that religion remains relevant while preserving the rich cultural values.With a better understanding of the role of religion in traditional culture, we can respect and celebrate cultural diversity worldwide while ensuring that this cultural heritage is preserved for future generations.
Keyword: Culture, Religion, Role.

Teks Lengkap:



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