The Isa Upanisad is part of the Sukla Yajur Veda. God in the Isa Upanisad is also called Isa. The Isa Upanisad explains that the whole world is pervaded by God or Isa. A person who has been able to realize the atman within himself and see the same thing in all beings will automatically be able to transcend sadness and delusion. Isa Upanisad views the essence of atman as the same as Brahman (Brahman atman aikyam). So Brahman is also called Paramatman. Cosmology in the Isa Upanisad views the universe as the human embodiment of the cosmos. Therefore, each individual must be able to respect and treat nature professionally, just as he respects and treats himself. The universe is believed to experience a cyclic process of birth (utpeti), development (shtiti), and fusion (pralina). In the Isa Upanisad God is the Creator of all living creatures. He is both the beginning and the final goal to be achieved by everything he creates.
Keywords: Brahman, Atman, Cosmology
Keywords: Brahman, Atman, Cosmology
Teks Lengkap:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.55115/jnana.v5i1.4069
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