Researchers create connections with the real world that readers can understand and accept. This study looks at how researchers view the sesa yajna and its value in Hindu theology. Apart from that, he found that yajna sesa has cultural values, harmony and gratitude. To obtain data, this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, which makes the analysis process easier. Apart from that, there is a value implicit in the yajna sesa which is still a mystery to many Hindus who do not properly understand what is contained in it. These values are interesting to research because they contain interesting values.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to obtain data and make the analysis process easier. Apart from that, there are implied values that are still a mystery to many Hindus who do not properly understand the values of yajna sesa. This is interesting to research because yajna sesa contains values that can be applied in society.
Keywords: Yajna sesa, Hindu Theological Values.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.55115/jnana.v5i1.4068
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