Putu Maria Ratih Anggraini


In recent times, there have been various changes in patterns of human behavior, both in terms of technology, science, and religious behavior. The mindset that emerged from the development of time and technology is the mindset of materialism. This understanding focuses on how much material they get, which will be a benchmark for the level of one's nobility. The Hindu community performs puja out of a sense of devotion to God. Puja is a ritual activity that becomes a medium for the expression of religious emotions that a person feels. However, along with the development of the postmodern era, it has had an impact on all lines of life, including socio-religious activities, in this case the worship activities of the Hindu community. Therefore, this research is important to be carried out as a reinforcement of the spirituality of the Hindu community so that it is not further eroded by the influence of globalization and modernization. This research is qualitative, using qualitative descriptive data analysis. The data collection technique used is literature study techniques. This research focuses on global reality. The data analysis technique used is to carry out a series of codifications of the data that has been collected and then combine it with existing data, both primary and secondary.
Keywords: Globalization, Puja, Contemporary

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