Made Adi Nugraha Tristaningrat


Teaching yoga is not a teaching which is concerned specifically about the teachings of a
particular religion or belief. Yoga literally comes from the word "yuj" which means uniting or
connecting with God. Yoga is basically a means or way of life, not something out of life, is not it
also distanced itself from the activities, but rather is an efficient performance by the true spirit
of life. Yoga nor run away from home and habits of human life, but instead is a process of the
formation of attitude to life at home (family) as well as social life with order and tradition that
followed included also in the scope of Balinese tradition in particular. Yoga in the tradition of
Bali are reflected in all the viable commonplace example done in Yoga known there is a term
which is a type of yoga Asanas in terms of movement both in the standing position, sitting, and
lying down. Asanas indirectly has done in a civic order Bali through sitting cross-legged when
visited, lined up neatly, to carry out the process of worship that uses or standing cross-legged
stance. This behavior does not necessarily constitute the heritage of our Yoga Science adoption
directly or indirectly in everyday life, but it is an idea that something that reflects the local
wisdom has the feel a clear education as a meaningful review.
Keywords: Balinese tradition, Local wisdom, Yoga

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