I Nyoman Sueca


Educating the life of the nation and developing the whole Indonesian people who believe
to the God Almighty and have virtuous noble character, possess knowledge and skills, physical
and spiritual health, have a solid and independent personality, and can be responsible is truly the
national educational goal. Hindu religious education provides guidance in living the life and
educating the community on how we should behave so as not to contradict with Dharma and
ethics. Efforts to improve the quality of religious education intellectually and the development
of religious culture by teachers to students at SMKN I Mas-Ubud continue to be improved for
the sake of educating and promoting Hindus nationally. The development of religious culture
towards the Hindu generation is the cultivation of religious values as a personality tradition, so
as to be a virtuous human. But the development of a religious culture of the young generation of
Hindu at SMKN I Mas-Ubud has not been able to show maximum results when viewed from the
attitude and moral. Related to the social and cultural conditions of students of SMKN I MasUbud,

which is currently engulfing education, the researcher was interested in conducting a
research with three main issues. (1) How is the process of developing religious culture towards
the students in improving the quality of religious education in SMKN I Mas-Ubud? (2) How are
the forms of religious culture in improving the quality of religious education in SMKN I MasUbud?

Keywords: Development of Religious Culture, Quality of Religious Education.

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