Today, Yoga become a mass culture, almost everyone knows and have practiced yoga,
in short the word yoga is interpreted and accepted as a representation of the purpose of life and
harmony of human life in community. But practicing yoga now is practice of yoga that has
experienced profanisasi. Yoga is packaged as a cultural product that not only can produce benefits
but also be able to provide a satisfying desire for pleasure and comfort. In addition, it can also
relate the social life of yoga practisoner. Practicing of yoga has been decontextualized from the
traditional or sub-cultural, played in a superficial way, with people having fun in the fact that
the marks are superficials so that they can not be deciphered from their fundamental meaning.
Practicing of yoga in the postmodern era makes yoga as lifestyle to triggers culture industry in
terms of yoga production. This is demonstrated by the production of diverse yoga classes with
the commodification of yoga postures to attract and increase public interest as a compromise
step taken to expand market share. Propanization of yoga brings a variety of impacts in life
especially in addition to changing the face of yoga which initially is a sacred spiritual teaching
into a commodity with aim of making profit. In conclusion, today practicing of yoga in the
postmodern era has become a cultural industry that is engaged in sophisticated form of
ideological indoctrination using entertainment to sweeten oppression while undermining cultural
standards that deprive the true nature of yoga.
Keywords: Consumerism, Yoga Practices, Profanization, Yoga Culture Insdustry
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