Kembar Mayang Dalam Tradisi Pernikahan Adat Jawa Masyarakat Dusun Krajan Desa Pesanggaran Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Kajian Bentuk, Fungsi Dan Makna)
Based on the data analysis carried out, the results of the study were obtained in the form of: (1) From the aspect of the form of the process of making Kembar Mayang in the marriage tradition that uses the javanese traditional concept, including: the preparation stage starting from the meeting, the manufacturing stage which begins with the search and selection of materials until the redemption stage, and the final stage, namely the Panggih Manten procession. (2) From the aspect of function, among others: religious function, namely as a symbol of the embodiment of God and a symbol of the sanctity of the bride and groom. The two social functions are the interaction and cooperation of the makers of Kembar Mayang, Manten shamans, celebration owners and teenagers carrying Kembar Mayang based on sincerity that creates a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious life for the bride-to-be. The three aesthetic functions can be seen from the use of Kembar Mayang which can also be used as decorations to support wedding events. (3) From the aspect of meaning, among others: the meaning of ethics, the meaning of aesthetics, the meaning of divinity and the meaning of education.
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