Ketut Yuniati


In this current era of communication is a very vital thing, because communication can lead to peace and also destruction, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 era where public space seemed to be free without limits. The faucet of information seems to be opened without stopping, every person both as an individual and part of the community can express themselves, whatever is in their feelings and thoughts, both verbally and in writing through mass media, social media, or any media. Social media is one of the busiest and most active media as a stage for political dialogue and debate in Indonesia. The development of democratic practices today is very much influenced by the development of social media. In fact, political actors in Indonesia also realize the importance of raising political issues through social media. However, this media is sometimes not used as it should be used for bullying, verbal abuse, curses, even slander and disrespectful words, often a daily spectacle and reading when
using social media, often this has a negative impact on someone's behavior such as hostility, fighting, anarchism, provocation, and so on. We have also seen the hustle and bustle of world politics that is happening in Indonesia, one of the reasons is that verbal is not maintained, there is no ethics in communicating. Therefore, it is very necessary to apply the ethics of political communication, especially ethics based on religious teachings. The Hindu scriptures, the Vedas,
mandate a great deal about ethics which must be upheld especially in relation to the practice of communicating politics. The verses in the Vedic scriptures related to the ethics of political communication basically teaches that humanity always conveys utterances that are based on truth and are well expressed in order to realize a politic and dignified political life in accordance with applicable laws and are based on ethics and courtesy. Indonesian nation. If this can be realized, this will change the political image of politics which has been seen as dirty, a paradigm will emerge that politics is sacred. Indeed, politics is actually pure because it is sourced from the call of a pure conscience.

Keywords: Communication Ethics, Political Communication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.55115/communicare.v1i1.749


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