I Made Suweta


Intercultural communication in communicating between speakers with one another, the
speakers of Balinese are not careless in saying. Every word that will be conveyed is well thought
out so that it is always appropriate to the situation of communicating, with whom it is talking,
and who is being talked about. So in speaking good and correct Balinese is not as easy as it
looks. Except as a child, speaking Balinese does not follow proper Balinese language procedures
and is still tolerated, but among those who are considered adults, let alone have families, and
are educated, speaking Balinese carelessly can be considered as being unethical or even
considered inconsequential. Therefore, on this occasion it will be presented as an issue to be
discussed about what and how is the Balinese base in communicating as a study of intercultural
communication? The Balinese language in communicating intercultural communication, its use
as a speech language, is inseparable from the condition of the Balinese community, which is
sociologically intertwined in the stratification of the community, both traditional and modern.
In this context sociolinguistically the Balinese language is classified into 4 namely: (1) basa
Bali alus (which are used to respect both the person being spoken to and the person being
spoken of), (2) basa Bali ketah/kepara (used in the same position/all level, (3) basa Bali kasar
(Balinese language in an unnatural conversation, because of situations of disagreement, swearing
at each other, insults that are rare and attempted to be avoided, and (4) base Bali mider, namely
language that does not have alus, kepara, as well as kasar, this language has only one form.The
existence of Balinese singgih sor reflects that the Balinese language cannot be used arbitrarily.In
its use it must always pay attention to the situation of the conditions of conversation, with whom
to talk, and who is being talked in. Speakers in communication will always try so that the
conversation does not offend others, so that Balinese speakers always give priority to ethics in
speaking , in accordance with Balinese culture at the level of culture value system, which always
upholds fraternity and mutual respect.

Teks Lengkap:




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