Pengaruh pola pembelajaran kooperatif learning terhadap pembentukan karakter disiplin anak di pasraman narayan seva desa kerobokan kecamatan sawan kabupaten buleleng

I wayan windu darmawan


It looks at the target to Find it affects from cooperative learning examples on creating the Discipline Character of Children at the Narayan Seva Pasraman, Kerobokan Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency. This research is a type of quasi-experimental research (Quasy Experiment). The population in this study means boarding children who have been divided into three, which are the research samples, namely class B being the experimental class and class A being the control class. The number of experimental class in this study was 20 children and the number of control class was 20 children. The selection of the experimental class and the control class uses a simple random technique. Random sampling or technique uses a lottery. The data collection for this study used questionnaires and ran with data processing techniques to test validity, reliability, normality, homogeneity, and t-test using SPSS version 22. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that there was an effect of the Cooperative Learning learning model to shape the Disciplinary Character of Children of Pasraman Narayan Seva, Kerobokan Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency. there will be a posttest for class B students with a homogeneous average score of 93.55 and as a result of class A learning using a homogeneous average score of 79.15. the level of the table is significant with the number of respondents 40 = 1,684, as a result you can see from the significance produced in the t-test stated that t-count 6,617 > ttable 1,684, while the origin table of the experimental class is 20 respondents i.e. 1,725 can be compared with t count, namely So can-count 6,617 > table 1,725 it is proven that the Cooperative Learning learning model influences the results to create a child'sdiscipline character .


Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model To form a child's discipline character.

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