Analisis Pemberian Moko Sebagai Belis Dalam Perkawinan Adat Pada Masyarakat Alor

Gisela Nuwa, Kartini Kari, Gabriel Gleko


This study aims to find out how the analysis of giving Moko as belis in traditional marriages in the Baranusa Village Community, Pantar Barat District, Alor Regency. the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that in the custom of the Baranusa community, the process of giving Moko as belis in a traditional marriage must go through several stages, starting from the introduction stage (peme limang tamag tilung) to the peak event, namely the process of giving Moko to the female family through the delivery process (toda bang ). In the custom of the Baranusa community, if the male family has Moko then the day before the wedding day it must be given directly to the female family through the delivery process (toda bang). However, if the male family does not yet exist or does not have Moko then they can switch to another alternative in the form of an amount of money which of course must be the same as the moko price or can be seen from 3 aspects of the male family: The first aspect, olang larra, is seen from the work of the parents of the groom, if they go looking for it there is a result, they have to buy Moko on the mountain to be given to the woman's family, which of course has to go through delegations from both parties. The second aspect, olang marreng, which is seen is that the child of his offspring the day after tomorrow has to replace mama's position because mom has not been given belis. However, both of these aspects cannot be fulfilled by the male family, so the third aspect will be seen, namely Waikajo, which is seen from within the tribe of the male family, whether the aunt of the prospective bride and groom has moko or not. If you have a moko, you will use the aunt's moko first to give it to the woman's family.

Kata Kunci

Moko; Belis; Traditional Marriage

Teks Lengkap:



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