Budaya Memandikan Hukum Tua Menurut Perspektif Teologi Kristen di Minahasa Utara

Yuni Feni Labobar, Hotliong Verawaty, Mario Marchellino Benjamin


The Culture of Bathing (the Village Head) is a culture in Waleo Village, which is a village in the Kema sub-district, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This culture is carried out when the long dry season occurs in Waleo village. The people of Waleo Village mostly work as farmers so if a long drought occurs it will have an impact on the jobs and economy of the people of Waleo Village. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. The purpose of this research is to find the theological value of the old legal bathing culture, because it is considered as ancestor worship. A contextual theological approach using Schreiter's theory can help researchers see this culture. This Research is qualitative research. The results of the study outline related that the Culture of Bathing (the village Head) is a form of relationship formation between humans (the old Law being bathed), the universe if there is a dry season and God is a form of relationship formation which is a way to convey the understanding of all Waleo people that God works in all daily life -human day, not as worship to the ancestors.

Kata Kunci

Culture; bathe the village head; Contextualization; Theology

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.55115/purwadita.v7i2.3227


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Purwadita: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
ISSN 2621-1017 (Online) 2549-7928 (Printed)
Published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
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