Pluralisme Agama Dalam Masyarakat Masa Kini: Pentingnya Pemahaman Dan Kesadaran Untuk Membangun Kehidupan Yang Harmonis

Norberto Gusmao Cardoso


Today's society is a technology-based society. The rise of technology-based progress brings many challenges in the life of today's society, one of which is the undoubted religious pluralism. Pluralist life is now a real reality and religious pluralism is also part of that real reality. Religious pluralism is a necessity that cannot be avoided. The development of technology in today's society allows every religion to meet each other at any time and at any time so that the spirit of religious pluralism becomes increasingly important because various religions and beliefs today coexist in one community. The main problem that will be discussed in the article is that the reality of religious diversity often causes conflict and intolerance between religious groups. The majority religious group that exclusively claims to be the most correct and does not want to accept the truth of other religions, then does not accept religious pluralism is a necessity. In fact, the conflicts that occur are not only from exclusive adherents (religious exclusivism) who claim their religion is absolutely right and other religions are wrong. There are also some political elites under the guise of religion who trigger inter-religious conflicts. This article specifically explores and highlights the importance in today's society of developing a better understanding and awareness of the reality of religious diversity, in order to build a peaceful and prosperous life that promotes the values of tolerance, peace and harmony. Religious pluralism as a bridge of understanding and awareness of religious pluralism, if built on the basis of universal principles, such as inclusivism, compassion, and dialogue.

Kata Kunci

religious pluralism; exclusivism; understanding; inclusivism

Teks Lengkap:



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Purwadita: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
ISSN 2621-1017 (Online) 2549-7928 (Printed)
Published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
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